Appeals Rights
Can I appeal a decision by my school or district if I disagree?
Yes! Massachusetts law protects this right (603 CMR 28.08(3)) through the Bureau of Special Education Appeals (BSEA). BSEA will conduct mediations, advisory opinions, and hearings to resolve disputes.
What types of issues will BSEA hear?
provision of special education
procedural protections
denial of free and appropriate education
Additional resources available
SpEd Search - current/past BSEA rulings
Visual instructions on how to fill out the PRS form
Additional guidance on filling out the PRS form, which includes:
2-pager on overview
Step by step on how to fill out the online form
Special Education: Coming soon
School Discipline - Expellable Offense: Coming Soon
School Discipline - Felony Complain: Coming Soon
School Discipline - Violation of codes of conduct