Extracurricular Activities

Problem: There is a lack of extracurricular activities (ECAs) in Boston Public Schools (BPS). ECAs are student activities and/or programs that are not part of the academic curriculum, such as sports, clubs, arts, and student-led organizations. BPS has the shortest academic day compared to charter schools, private schools, and other school districts, yet it offers little afterschool ECAs.

The lack of ECAs that BPS offers is an equity issue because other school districts, such as Needham, Wellesley, and Newton, offer more ECAs. The aforementioned communities serve large numbers of White students, while BPS serves large numbers of students of color, English Language Learners (ELLs), and students with disabilities, creating an evident disparity.

Solution: One solution is for BPS to use the post-COVID American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to pay for more afterschool ECAs for students.

Outcome: BPS students can have access to ECAs because ECAs can help them discover hidden talents and foster a strong sense of community. This could advance equity because BPS students deserve to have as many ECA opportunities as students in other districts and learn things outside of the general curriculum.


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